Thursday, February 23, 2012


OK. I have been informed that I need to establish some ground rules for my site.  I am so excited.  I always want everything my own way so this is my big chance to operate out of my phycho control freakiness AND feel like a saint while I'm at it. Win-win.

The rules:
               1.)     Be nice.  I mean it too.  This doesn't mean you can't disagree.  You
                        are allowed to disagree.  You are not allowed to be mean or disrespect-
                        ful.  If you don't feel nice - don't comment.  Simple.
               2.)     Don't be selling your stuff without my permission. This is my website.
                        If you want to sell stuff  make your own site.  I do have plans to sell
                        other peoples stuff on here so if you really think that our outlooks are
                        similar and would work together contact me and we can talk about it.
                        The final decision is mine.  Of course.
               3.)     Don't be shoving your religion or your concept of right and wrong down
                        anybody's throat on this site. Especially mine.  I have a religion and a
                        church and I believe in God and I live my life with God as the center of  it.
                        We will not be arguing religion (or anything else I don't want to argue
                        about) here.
               4.)     Don't be babbling on and on.  I am the only one that gets to do that here.
                        I am a world class babbler and I will suffer no threats to my status in my
                        own kingdom.  If I venture out of here - feel free to throw your hat in the
              5.)      No cussing.  I have worked like a dog to eliminate cussing from my list of
                        bad habits and if I can't do it, I'm not letting anyone else do it either. Sour
                        grapes type thinking - for sure.  Also - the way it is - for sure.

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